Cyber Samurai provides two primary ongoing services
Device Protection
Contracted Hours
Device Protection
This service protects company devices in real-time. With Managed Detection and Response, your company computers will be fortified through both machine learning alongside human security professionals. If never-before-seen vulnerabilities attack protected devices, malicious code can be identified by its behavior and the infection stopped. Even in the unlikely event of an entire machine compromise, protected assets can be remotely isolated from the rest of the network and sanitized and ransomware encrypted files reverted. For less than $1/day, your company devices can be protected.
Ransomware Rollback
Real-time Protection and Response
Human Expertise with Augmenting AI
Device Isolation
Device Protection $20/Device/Month
Contracted Hours
This service provides monthly hours for general security, specific client goals, or the pursuit of a standardized security framework. This can be as open-ended as helping implement least-privilege across the network, setting up a Security Information and Event Management platform, regaining awareness and control over company devices, assistance with policies, or as narrow as achieving a specific compliance status.
Compliance Frameworks
Network/Asset Inventory
Network automation (centralized management of devices/services)
Ongoing Cybersecurity Oversight
Network hardening (on-prem & cloud best practices)
Policy and Process Creation
IT staff training (ie. security, powershell, automation)
Assistance setting up a Security Information and Event Management platform
PCI Compliance: Payment Card Industry – credit card processing or storage.
HIPAA: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act – medical information processing or storage.
CMMC: Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification – requirement for interacting with the US Dept. of Defense.
Contracted Hours rate is $125/hr
7hr Min/Month
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